Who you calling old?

One day as I was taking care of Carson, he referred to me as an old lady. I was shocked that a 4 ½ year old would perceive me as an old lady when I am obviously far from it. I knew I had to set him straight. After all, age is a mindset. How many old ladies play hide and seek, monsters, chase, hop scotch, etc? How can he think of me as old?
I figure that his millennial parents who perceive anyone above their generation as old and decrepit probably influenced him. Obviously, he is too young to know what “old” really is.
So...Google to the rescue!
I took Carson and we sat down at my desktop computer and Googled photos of old ladies. Some were obviously very old. I smiled to myself knowing that I looked far younger and also act younger. Surely Carson would see the difference.
"See, Carson. Mamita does not look like that" pointing to a photo of a woman who looks to be a hundred years old. "Mamita is not an old lady. Mamita is young!"
"Well, Mamita, you are not that old. You are just a little old," Carson replied.
OK, I give up.