Love you Forever

I have always loved the story Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. It is a book I read to my own two sons when they were toddlers. It is a story about a mother who loves her son and holds him at various stages of his life affirming her forever love for him. As the mother ages it shows the son holding his mother as an elderly old lady at the end, affirming his forever love for her.
Yes, it is a real tearjerker for a mother.
So it was with special joy and fond remembrance when I read this book to my grandson, Carson, when he was a toddler.
When Carson was about 3 years old, I remarked how well he was eating one day and how he was getting to be so big and strong.
He replied, “I am going to get bigger and bigger and I am going to be bigger than you, then I am going to hold you, Mamita.”
Be still my heart…the child remembers the story and I have a vision of a strong man holding his frail grandmother.